Yesterday’s leftovers

Some stuff only happen after 5:30am

There’s a misguided impression that most people have about long nights. We probably have the “Nothing Good Happens After 2am” episode of How I Met Your Mother to blame for that – but I don’t hold a grudge on that. Of course, a lot of great stuff happens after 2am: some nights become epic, others just a blur. Well, it happens.

Maybe in the future, I’ll look back on some of those nights to recover blessed moments, but that’s not the point today. Sometimes, you need a kick of tiredness, sleepiness, and maybe a few drinks (or more). Honestly, a friend of mine and I tend to choose those perfect moments to overthink, maybe cry a little bit and discuss what the hell is happening to our lives – most of the time we just share banalities.

That happened last weekend. A little bit later than 5:30 AM, to be honest, but it always feels like a balm for our souls. There aren’t many times when you sit vulnerable, with the first daylight crashing in, sitting on the balcony, and smoking a cigarette. No distractions, no noise – when was the last time you had that?

It was actually the third time this happened with this friend. Just me, my friend, and a candid talk about how we really are. Even with our friends (or most of them), we often hide behind a façade, created to protect ourselves from them – which, ironically, is what shouldn’t happen.

Well, some things only happen after 5:30 AM, and I think some conversations do too. It’s not always easy to dig out your buried stories of bitterness and restlessness. Maybe that’s why we need this from time to time. Cheers to late-night/early-morning chats and the sprinkles of happiness and relief they can bring.

Breakfast (2), with Odd Nerdrum (1989) Odd_Nerdrum_Dawn